After I chose to follow Him, life became much more fun. I got my first Bible when I was 12. It was a Dutch youth bible, that I got from the christian group I went to then. I was so happy and proud, I read it so often that the book of psalms and proverbs is almost completely in highlights, LOL! I even started keeping all my notes...
I really used to read my Bible a lot and I really enjoyed it. After reading it so often I even became more open about my christianity to my friends, I wasn't scared to share my beliefs with anyone. I was so proud to say that I love Him and I'm loved by the one and only true God! At that time I was having a hard time in school, but thanks to God's strength, I was able to overcome all troubles and pass those years, cause you know what they say:

Whenever something happened that would make them praise me I would refere to Him, but still no one believed me.
I got backstabbed a lot during my first years of secondary school. At some point they even started calling me crazy for believing in God, but I knew that wasn't true, I knew He was and is present in my life. At first I thought of giving up, but I hate giving up so I decided to pray for them.. As it says in Philippians 2:3-4 :
The song I'm going to refere to today is "O come to the altar" by Elevation Worship.
"O come to the altar,
the father's arms are open wide.."
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