Saturday 16 July 2016

I have this friend...

At some point in life
People that you thought were the closest to you, will leave you.
There won't be any fights , betrayal, or even any tears.
The only thing you will feel is loss
The loss of the person that you called your best friend
The loss of the person that you told your embarrassing stories to
The loss of the person that you played with till your mom called to be home asap
The loss of the person that you laughed with about silly things
But the only loss you will feel at the moment will be trust.
You will miss trust in every word they speak.
You will miss trust in everything they do for you.
You will miss trust in every thing you trusted about them.

There will be a time in your life when you will have to let go of people that are not meant to be in your life. Be it your current husband, your lover, your friend or even the person closest to your heart.

If it's your husband, your marriage failed.
If it's your lover, your relationship failed.
If it's your friend, your friendship failed.
If it's the person closest to your heart, your connection failed.

I have this friend.
She is labeled as my best friend.
But to me she is just a friend.
Sometimes she becomes just as important as the strangers on the streets.
Sometimes she means more.
How much more, that I don't know
But she catches up to the label she's put for

It doesn't last that long
I go back home
And listen to music
Then I go back to her words
Somehow she goes back to the point in my life when I lost her trust.              ~Mita
Pic: by Steve De Picker

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